Concept of piezoelectricity and how it works
Piezo sensor architecture
Interfacing of piezo sensor with Arduino
Serial monitor of piezo sensor with Arduino
LED control using piezo sensor
Piezo sensor based automatic door open and closing system
Introduction to GAS sensor and its working
Pin configuration of Gas sensor
Interfacing Gas sensor with Arduino
Gas sensor based alarm system
Temperature sensor and its working
Interfacing Temperature sensor with Arduino
LED Controlling using LED sensor
Motor Controlling using Temperature sensor
Interfacing Bluetooth module with Arduino
Controlling LED with Mobile phone
3D Enclosure design for prototype with their own creativity
Create an algorithm to knock all castle pieces off of one Playground layout using the VR Robot.
Program the VR Robot to move like a robotic vacuum.
Introduction to Line Follower Robot
Line Follower Robot Simulation
Introduction to Fusion 360
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