Introduction to Tilt Sensor and pin configuration
LED Control using Tilt sensor (without Arduino)
LED Control using Tilt sensor with (Arduino)
Voltage meter using 7 segment display
Introduction to moisture sensor and its pin configuration
Working of Moisture sensor
Interfacing moisture sensor and serial monitoring
Soil moisture level monitor using moisture sensor
Motor On/Off based on the soil moisture level
Basics of pick and place robot
Working of pick and place robot
Construction of pick and place robot
Merging pick & place and Autonomous robot
Moisture testing robot
Converting the PCB layout to CAM program for the drilling process
Discrete ADC Schematics
Syncing EAGLE with Fusion to view the Circuit 3D Model
Basic Sketching tools
Adding and Removing Material
Designing general shapes
Creating an enclosure for the Robot
Creating an environment for pick and place robot
Simulating the Pick & Place robot in the created environment
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